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Maintenance, Repairs, Diagnostics - Performed by Licensed Automotive Technicians 

Want to learn more about how Nu-Tech Auto enhances the value, performance, and reliability of your vehicle? Check out the list of original articles written below.

Brake Fluid

The Antilock Brake System Electrohydraulic Control Unit controls brake fluid pressure in the brake system.  Degraded brake fluid can impair its function.  This is not a serviceable part and must be replaced as one whole expensive unit. 

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Brake Inspections

Get a good one! At Nu-Tech, Auto Repairs, your Complete Brake Inspection will be undertaken by a fully licensed automotive technician.

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Intake Valves and Carbon

Carbon robs performance. Clean it before it's too late. Once build-up is severe enough, physically removing from the intake values is the only (pricey) option. 

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Lighting System

Scratched and yellowed lenses can with a little elbow grease and some chemistry be turned into a near-new surface.

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Lube-Oil-Filter-General Maintinace Inspection

The LOFGMI service is the backbone of Nu Tech Auto Repairs maintenance plan. 

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Maximize your Fuel Mileage

The recent jump in fuel prices can make people look to magic gadgets to improve fuel economy. There is no magic in increasing your fuel economy, only real actionable steps. 

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Oil Filter Quality Control

Magnified oil filter media shows the consistency of synthetic fibers vs paper filter media. You get what you pay for. It's worth it to spend a bit more for improved quality.

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Suspension and Steering

Modern multilink suspension and steering systems as shown here employ a multitude of bushings and pivot points. These sophisticated systems provide a premium ride and handling but they also have more parts to wear out.

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Who needs one?

Data collected on a road test from the vehicle’s powertrain control computer will be analyzed by a technician to determine your vehicle’s state of tune.

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Winterizing for Cold Conditions

The Cold Crank Simulator test determines the viscosity (thickness) of lubricants at low temperatures. The viscosity under these conditions is directly related to engine cranking and stability. The lower a lubricant's cold crank viscosity the easier an engine will turn over in the cold.

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Winter Tire Installation

Winter is coming. Is your vehicle ready?

Note the different tread construction of an all-season tire on the left and a snow tire on the right. The snow tire is covered in sipes.  These squiggly cuts in the tread help to bite into the snow surface almost like knife edges.  They also help to shed snow from packing into the tread.

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When a vehicle is serviced at Nu-Tech Auto all the information is recorded in our computer database.  Records are kept of all work and recommendations for the vehicle.  The customer is able to request information on any past repairs, maintenance, or service of their vehicle at any time.


Come in today and see why Nu-Tech has been the go-to import specialist of the West Kootenays for over 27 years. 

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Nu-Tech Auto Repairs LTD.

2045 Columbia Ave. Trail British Columbia

Open Monday to Friday

8:30 am to 5:30 pm


© 2021 Buenas Vistas Designs

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